Extension Configuration

This document explains how to make an extension configurable. To use this document, you need to understand extensions and the Shopgate Connect Merchant Admin.

You can make several components in your extension configurable, such as the following:

  • the color of a certain button
  • timeouts for certain requests
  • URLs to resources

How extension configuration works

You define the configuration in the extension-config.json file within your extension directory. This file contains a json object, which can have the configuration property.

These configurations resolve to key/value pairs into multiple possible files depending on their destination:

  • backend: ./extensions/<extensionId>/extension/config.json
  • frontend and of type extension: ./extensions/<extensionId>/frontend/config.json
  • frontend and of type theme: ./themes/<theme>/config/app.json

When the extension is not a theme, we can use both as a value for the destination key. This will write the config to both frontend and backend config.json files.

extension-config.json config.json and/or app.json
“color”: { some description of how to get the color value } “color”: “blue”

Within the extension config file, the value of the configuration key represents the following:

  • where the resulting value comes from (see from the Shopgate Merchant Admin, see “Configuration with Shopgate Merchant Admin”)
  • which files the configuration key is inserted into (config.json or app.json)

In the SDK context (when you develop your extension), each time you alter the extension-config.json file, the file gets resolved to config.json and app.json according to your changes.

In the application context, config.json and app.json are written while the application gets deployed.

Types of configs

Configs consist of a key/value pair where the key is the name of the configuration and the value defines where the configuration comes from.

The following example shows the static type:

"configuration": {
  "stage": {
    "type": "static",
    "destination": "backend",
    "params": {
      "value": "%(targetStage)s"

If your code is running in the sandbox environment, this configuration resolves to the following: "stage": "sandbox" within the backend config.json file if you set the destination to backend.

Configuration with Shopgate Merchant Admin

In addition to the static config type, you can use the admin type to configure your extension.

After you insert an admin config type into your extension-config.json file, you can set the value of this key within the Shopgate Merchant Admin.

Caution: You need to release and install the extension before you can alter its configs in the Shopgate Merchant Admin. Otherwise you cannot see the extensions config.

There is no way to resolve a key that has not been released. Therefore, you need to set a default value for this key in the extension config.


"credentials": {
  "type": "admin",
  "destination": "backend",
  "params": {
    "type": "json",  // currently not supported but necessary in the future
    "label": "Credentials for the extension", // currently not supported but necessary in the future
    "required": true // currently not supported but necessary in the future

In Extension Settings > (your extension) in the Merchant Admin, you can use a json editor to insert the configuration value as follows:

	"credentials": {
		"user": "testUser",
		"password": "mySecurePassword123456789!?"

The key needs to match the key in your extension config file.

For more info on how the admin type can be user refer to the admin type reference.

Usage of Configuration Values in Extension Code

This section describes how you can access your configuration values within the extension code.

Backend Extensions

In extension steps, you can access every config value of your extension with the config property of the context object.

If the credentials example above created the following config.json file:

  "credentials": {
    "user": "testUser",
    "password": "mySecurePassword1223456789!?"

you can access the value as follows:

module.exports = async (context, input) => {
  context.log.info(context.config.credentials.user) // logs "testUser"

Frontend Extension

The following entry within the configuration property of the extension-config.json:

"configuration": {
  "countryCodes": {
    "type": "static",
    "destination": "frontend",
    "params": {
      "value": "DE,AT,FR,GB"

creates the following key/value entry within the config.json:

  "value": "DE,AT,FR,GB"

You can access the value by importing the config and treat it as the object as follows:

import config from './../../config'; // depending on location of this file.

const countries = config.countryCodes.split(',');

export default countries;

The content of the the config object is the same as the content of the app.json file.


If your extension is a theme, the config key/value pairs are resolved into the ./config/app.json of the theme.

The following code shows how to access the value of the config key colors within the theme:

import { themeConfig } from '@shopgate/pwa-common/helpers/config';
const colors = themeConfig.colors;