Conditional Step

You use a conditional step to execute the next step based on a condition.

Property Name Type Description
expression object Specifies the condition which must be met to execute the step within the then property. Otherwise the step in the else property is executed.
then object Specifies the regular step that executes when the condition is met then can be any step type.
else object Specifies the regular step that executes when the condition is not met. else can be any step type. You can omit else, but in this case the output of then must be optional.

There is no output in the conditional step. The output gets defined by the step in then or else.


Here are the different conditions you can use when creating a conditional step:

  • all: {"all": [other expressions, all have to result in true]}
  • any: {"any": [other expressions, at least one has to result in true]}
  • gt, gte, lt, lte: {"gt|gte|lt|lte":[{"type":"static|input", "name|value":"nameOfInputOrValueOfStatic"}, {otherVariable}]}
  • null, notnull, ok, notok: {"null|notnull|ok|notok":[{"name":"nameOfInput"}]}
  • eq, ne: {"eq|ne": [{"type":"static|input","name|value":"nameOfInputOrValueOfStatic"},{otherVariable}(,...)]}

Pipeline Example

  "type": "conditional",
  "input": [
    { "key": "pageId", "id": "50" }
  "expression": {
    "ne": [
      {"type":"input", "name":"pageId"},
      {"static":"input", "value":"index"}
  "then": {
    "type": "pipeline",
    "id": "renderPage",
    "input": [
      {"key":"pageId", "id":"50"},
      {"key":"query", "id":"51"},
      {"key":"params", "id":"52"}
    "output": [
      {"key":"html", "id":"1000"}
  "else": {
    "type": "pipeline",
    "id": "loadPage",
    "input": [
      {"key":"path", "id":"1"}
    "output": [
      {"key":"html", "id":"1000"}