
The Item page contains all product information, with additional controls like VariantSelect, AddToFavorites, AddToCart.

How to customize content


Main portals that can be found on the Item page are listed on Product Details portals reference page.

How to link

You can link directly to a selected item using productId param. Please note that productId MUST be converted into a hex string in order to ensure URL-safe string usage.

import React from 'react';
import { Link } from '@shopgate/engage/components';
import { ITEM_PATH } from '@shopgate/engage/product';
import { bin2hex } from '@shopgate/engage/core';

 * @param {string} productId Plain text product id.
const Component = ({ productId }) => (
    <Link href={`${ITEM_PATH}/${bin2hex(productId}`}>Open product</Link>

export default Component;