General Error Codes

Codes Description Example Equivalent HTTP code
EUNKNOWN Default error if no code was given 500
ENOTFOUND When the requested resource was not found Product not found 404
ETIMEOUT When an underlaying service request times out. Do not use ETIMEDOUT or ESOCKETTIMEDOUT. 504
EBADMSG Underlaying service sends an unusable response 502
EACCESS If the user try to access a pipeline or a resource which he does not have access to. A not logged in user try to access the getUser pipeline 401
EBADREQUEST In case the request passes the validation, but the request isn’t fulfillable within the code or when the request doesn’t pass the validation Missing input key of the pipelineAn invalid email was sent in the payload 400
ECONFLICT In case a pipeline request conflicts a ongoing pipeline request 409
EINVALIDCREDENTIALS In case the user tries to login with wrong credentials incorrect email (username)incorrect password