
To connect your shop with us all you need to do is implement our unified Plugin API actions that are called from Shopgate.

Follow these four simple steps to connect your shop.

Step 1 - Shopgate Cart Integration SDK

Create an empty software project, download and extract our latest Cart Integration SDK on GitHub

Step 2 - Include and extend the Cart Integration SDK

You need to create a plugin.php that includes the Cart Integration SDK and extends the Plugin API class ShopgatePlugin. This forces you to implement predefined abstract methods, that are called automatically from Shopgate on certain actions.


class ShopgatePluginMyShoppingSystem extends ShopgatePlugin {
  public function startup() {
		$configuration = new ShopgateConfig();
		$this->config = $configuration;

Plugin authentication

To authenticate the request you need to set your shop number, customer number, and api key provided by Shopgate. This needs to be done in method startup while creating the instance of the object ShopgateConfig as shown above.

Implement abstract methods

If you are using an IDE like PHPStorm, those method stubs are generated automatically when you extend the existing class ShopgatePlugin.

Step 3 - Create an API endpoint

Create a PHP file in the your web root to define the API endpoint that needs to be callable from Shopgate.

Include and invoke the class created in the previous step and pass the $REQUEST superglobal to the method handleRequest. The Cart Integration SDK handles the request from Shopgate, does the authentication, routes the actions, creates the data objects, and passes them to the method skeletons created one step above.*



 define('SHOPGATE_DEBUG', 1); // important
 for development, please remove when used

 $plugin = new



In an live environment Shopgate is generating an authorization token to send with each request. The validity of the token is verified inside of the SDK based on shop number, customer number and API key set in configuration one step above. It’s valid for 60 minutes only, so for development it should be skipped, defining the constant as shown in the example above.

Step 4 - Test your interface

You can use any post client like Postman to test your interface.

For a simple ping request to test your interface, you just need to send 4 parameters to your API endpoint.

For example: http://myshoppingsystem.localhost.com/api.php

  • action: ping

  • shop_number: 12345

  • customer_nuber: 54321

  • apikey: 56b1dbae2696a