
You have to be authenticated by the Shopgate Merchant API in order to use it. To do this send two “X headers” containing a user name and auth token along with your request:

  • X-Shopgate-Auth-User
  • X-Shopgate-Auth-Token

User Name Generation

The user name is a combination of the following values:

  1. Customer number
  2. Unix timestamp

Both values are separated by a hyphen (-):

Auth User: <Customer number>-<Unix timestamp>
Example: 12345-1329146130

Auth Token Generation

The Auth Token is composed of the following parameters:

  1. “SMA” string
  2. Customer number
  3. Current Unix timestamp
  4. API key

is performed in the following way:

  1. Separate the string with hyphens, e.g. SMA-12345-1329146130-01677e4c0ae5468b9b8b823487f14524
  2. Use it as base for generating the SHA1 hash: sha1(SMA-12345-1329146130-01677e4c0ae5468b9b8b823487f14524)
  3. The result is the Auth token (as SHA1 hash): b83e778fb008e0b006a4094787aba2d9543d6d25


HTTP-Request Headers
X-Shopgate-Auth-User:  12345-1334128396
X-Shopgate-Auth-Token: 885964b9b46756bdec6d7ae549ae5bfcd406798a
Implementation using PHP and cURL

$customerNumber = "12345";
$apiKey         = "01677e4c0ae5468b9b8b823487f14524";
$timestamp      = time();

$authUser  = "$customerNumber-$timestamp";
$authToken = sha1("SMA-$customerNumber-$timestamp-$apiKey");

$curl = curl_init();

    'X-Shopgate-Auth-User: ' . $authUser,
    'X-Shopgate-Auth-Token: ' . $authToken