Customer Methods

These methods are responsible for transmitting customer data and registering new customers. They are also used to update shipping or billing address, setting additional data like birthday, phone or mobile number as well as email address.


This action implements retrieval of user data from your shop, e.g. for the “Shopgate Connect” procedure. If a customer already has an account in your online shop, you can allow them to use their credentials to log in, register and place orders on the mobile website.

Specific Error Codes

Code Description
35 parameter “user” missing
36 parameter “pass” missing
37 parameter “user_data” missing
70 no addresses found for customer
71 wrong username or password
72 customer account not confirmed
73 unknown error while customer login


This method allows a customer to be registered in your shop system.

Specific Error Codes

Code Description
35 parameter “user” missing
36 parameter “pass” missing
37 parameter “user_data” missing
70 no addresses found for customer
71 wrong username or password
220 failed to create user
221 user already exists
222 data fields are missing