Open Graph Tags

The class constants in the tables below refer to the constants in Shopgate_Helper_Redirect_TagsGeneratorInterface.

General Site Parameters

Parameter Name Class Constant Description Example
sitename SITE_PARAMETER_SITENAME The name of the desktop website. My Awesome Shop
desktop_url SITE_PARAMETER_DESKTOP_URL The URL to the desktop site.
mobile_web_url SITE_PARAMETER_MOBILE_WEB_URL The URL to the mobile website.
title SITE_PARAMETER_TITLE The title of the currently viewed page. My Awesome Shop - Genesis - Invisible Touch

Product Detail Page Parameters

Parameter Name Class Constant Description Example
product_image SITE_PARAMETER_PRODUCT_IMAGE The URL to a product image.
product_name SITE_PARAMETER_PRODUCT_NAME The name of the product. Genesis - Invisible Touch
product_description_short SITE_PARAMETER_PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION_SHORT A short (max. 140 characters) description of the product. Invisible Touch is the thirteenth studio album from the English rock band Genesis.
product_ean SITE_PARAMETER_PRODUCT_EAN The European Article Number of the product. 0075678164125
product_availability SITE_PARAMETER_PRODUCT_AVAILABILITY One of “instock”, “oos” or “pending” to indicate the availability of the product. instock
product_category SITE_PARAMETER_PRODUCT_CATEGORY The name of the category this product is in. 80s rock / pop
product_price SITE_PARAMETER_PRODUCT_PRICE The (gross, if can be calculated) price of the product. 12.99
product_currency SITE_PARAMETER_PRODUCT_CURRENCY The currency the price is declared in. $
product_pretax_price SITE_PARAMETER_PRODUCT_PRETAX_PRICE The net price of the product. 10.00
product_pretax_currency SITE_PARAMETER_PRODUCT_PRETAX_CURRENCY The currency the net price is declared in. $