
Engage provides a form composition feature to build forms using a config. This feature can render form elements of any supported or custom type and handles element rendering and updates. It also propagates changes to the parent component and can take validation errors from the parent to mark fields. The Form Builder allows fully customizable styling of predefined elements and even defines custom element types.

The Form Builder also supports an advanced action system, which is not covered in this guide.

Getting started

To add a form using the Form Builder with basic types:

  • Import the Form Builder.
  • Define a form config.
  • Render the FormBuilder component, using the form config and a custom change handler.

Setting up the config

The Form Builder renders all form elements based on a config. Below is an example config containing one single form element.

// File: CustomForm.config.js

const formConfig = {
  fields: {
    firstName: {
      type: 'text',
      sortOrder: 1,
      label: 'First name',
      placeholder: 'Enter your first name here',

export default formConfig;

Using the Form Builder

Here, we import the previously created example config and render the form using the Form Builder. For now, there is no validation.

// File: CustomForm.jsx

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { FormBuilder } from '@shopgate/engage/components';
import config from './CustomForm.config';

 * A component that displays a form using the Form Builder
 * @returns {JSX}
 * @constructor
const CustomForm = () => {
  // Save all data in the state of the current component to show a visual representation of it below
  const [formData, setFormData] = useState({});
  const [hasErrors, setHasErrors] = useState(false);

  return (
        handleUpdate={(data, hasErrs) => {

      {/* Visualisation of the form data and the hasErrors flag */}
          backgroundColor: '#f4f4f4',
          border: '1px solid black',
          padding: '10px',
          whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap',
        {JSON.stringify({ formData })}

        {JSON.stringify({ hasErrors })}

export default CustomForm;

In its simplest form, it is just a matter of rendering the FormBuilder component and passing a config to it. Whenever the form data changes, the handleUpdate function is called with the form data as the first argument. The second argument is true when any required field is either not filled out or marked as invalid by form actions. Form actions could also cause fields to become empty and thus render them invalid.

FormBuilder component props

  • Property: name
    Type: String
    Required: Yes
    Comment: The name is added as the class attribute of the form tag in DOM, identifies the form, and groups form elements. The name should be unique among sibling forms when multiple forms are rendered next to each other.

  • Property: config
    Type: Object
    Required: Yes
    Comment: The config defines what the Form Builder should render and how to behave.

  • Property: handleUpdate
    Type: Function
    Required: Yes
    Function arguments:

    • formData: An object containing key/value pairs with the data per form element.
    • hasErrors: A boolean flag that defines whether the form data is valid in the current state or not.

    Comment: This property propagates all form data changes to the higher component in the tree. It allows the parent component to react on user input. When reading inputs, it is necessary to distinguish between predefined field identifiers and custom ones. When a custom field notifies about a change, its value is located within a top level property called customAttributes, which itself is stored in the formData argument.
    The change handler is run immediately on first render to report the current data after applying default values to all fields.

  • Property: className
    Type: Object or string
    Required: No
    Comment: The class name is inserted into the wrapper that contains all form elements. This allows inserting custom styling into the rendered form to override default form element styles. Each form element can be referenced with a static class name, e.g. textField. Custom styling is covered later in this guide.

  • Property: defaults
    Type: Object
    Required: No
    Comment: Provides overriding default values for the form as key/value pairs. This is useful for context sensitive default values (e.g. based on locales).

  • Property: elements
    Type: Object
    Required: No
    Comment: Allows the replacement of default form elements or even introducing custom form element types which do not yet exist. For example, an image or swatch selector, or even elements that need no visuals, like hidden elements.

  • Property: onSubmit
    Type: Function
    Required: No
    Comment: This function is called whenever the form is submitted. The only argument is the submit event itself, per HTML standard.

  • Property: validationErrors
    Type: Array of validationError objects
    Required: No
    ValidationError object properties:

    • path: A string to identify the form element where the validation error occurs.
    • message: The message to display near the form element.

    Comment: Most form elements define a place that shows validation errors, when the input is incorrect or any other issue applies to the given form element. The Form Builder routes validation errors only to those form elements that are affected. The form elements can then decide whether to show any messages or not - for default elements, usually red text below the input field displays.

Form config in detail

Field identifiers

The Form Builder was initially designed to support a few predefined form fields.
These fields are identified using the following keys:

  • firstName
  • lastName
  • street1
  • street2
  • zipCode
  • city
  • country
  • province

A form config that defines a firstName field is listed as an example above. The type of these fields is not predefined and can be chosen based on the application’s needs.

In addition to predefined fields, you can also define custom fields of any type.
To achieve this, there is a special field name called custom. Here is an example config that defines two custom fields, with the field identifiers nickname and favoriteColor:

// File: CustomForm.config.js

const formConfig = {
  fields: {
    custom: {
      nickname: {
        type: 'text',
        sortOrder: 1,
        label: 'Nickname',
        placeholder: 'Enter your nickname here',
      favoriteColor: {
        type: 'select',
        sortOrder: 2,
        label: 'Favorite color',
        default: '',
        options: {
          '': '',
          '01-red': 'Red',
          '02-blue': 'Blue',

export default formConfig;

Element types

Out of the box, the Form Builder visually supports four groups of element types:

  • Input field

    • text is a normal text input field without any specialties. The input return is of type string.
    • email supports email validation of the mobile browser. The input return type is string.
    • password obscures the input. The input return type is string.
    • date allows the selection of a date. The input return type is string.
    • number allows input of numbers only and opens a numpad keyboard only. The input return type is string.
    • phone refers to the “tel” html input element. The input return type is string.
  • Checkbox

    • checkbox is a normal checkbox element that returns a boolean value.
  • Radio group

    • radio renders a radio group with radio elements that are defined as key/value pairs in the options property of the field definition. The selected option is returned as a string.
  • Select box

    • select renders a normal single line select box. As with the radio type, this element also takes an options property to fill the select box. The return of the selection is also a string. The previous example shows how such a select box looks.
    • country is a special type of select box with the difference that it takes a countries property instead of options. The countries must be defined as an object with key/value pairs where the key is the country code (in the ISO-3166-2 format) and the name as the value.
    • province is a special kind of select box as well. It relies on an element of type country to exist in the form and is context sensitive to it. Based on the selected country, the province element changes its values to only show provinces that exist in that country.

Besides the types listed above, it is also possible to define form elements which are not supported out of the box. See section “Advanced customization”.

Field properties in detail

Every field definition generally looks like this:

  "firstName": {
    "type": "text",
    "label": "First name"

This is the minimal requirement for a field definition. For radio and the basic select types, you must provide an options property, otherwise there will not be any options to select.

Here is a complete list of supported properties:

  • type has been explained in the section “Field types” already.

  • sortOrder is useful to enable placement of custom fields between fields outside the custom property, within the field config. This can be a positive integer or float value. If no sortOrder is set, the element is placed below predefined field IDs and also below fields that define a sort order. The elements are always sorted in ascending order.

  • label defines the text to be shown to the user.

  • placeholder Is the text to be shown for elements of type text when the field does not contain any input.

  • default defines a value that pre-fills the element with a value before the form is presented to the user. For checkboxes default is a boolean value and string for all other types. Please note that the empty string is considered as a valid default value. If a field is not supposed to have a default value, then this property must be removed or be set to null.

  • options only applies to elements of type radio and select. It is represented with an object that contains a key/value pair for every item or option entry. The key is the selection ID and the value is the display text. Whenever a selection is made, the handler of the Form Builder is called and the selected value is the selection identifier.

  • countries is only used for elements of type country. The selection is referred to by the countryCode which is the key of the respective entry. More details about this are provided in the previous section about “Field types”.

  • actions allow context sensitive behavior of the Form Builder. An action can be an input restriction, input transformation, showing or hiding related form elements, and more. Since it is a more advanced feature, it is not covered in detail here.

  • required defines if the field is allowed to be submitted empty or not. This must be a boolean value. A field can only be required when it is visible.

  • visible indicates whether to show or hide an element in the form. Logically, elements that are not visible cannot be marked as required.

Overriding defaults

When using the Form Builder, it is possible to pass default values for each form element. This is useful in situations where the default value is context sensitive or when the form is pre-filled with values from an API.

If the defaults prop is used it will have a higher priority than what is set in the form config. Other than that, it is still treated as a conventional default value and can be changed via interaction with the from.

To assign a default value to a form element on initial rendering, it is once more necessary to distinguish between defaults for predefined form identifiers and custom form identifiers.

Providing a default value for a predefined form element

const CustomForm = () => (
    handleUpdate={() => { /* Don't handle updates in this example */ }}

      firstName: 'John',

export default CustomForm;

Providing a default value for a custom form element

const CustomForm = () => (
    handleUpdate={() => { /* Don't handle updates in this example */ }}

      customAttributes: {
        nickname: 'Jonny',
        favoriteColor: '02-blue', // "02-blue" is key of the option to select, not the display text

export default CustomForm;

The above example shows two different kinds of defaults. One is an element of type text, while the second is of type select. The defaults for select and radio are applied using the options key or the countryCode for type country. The only difference is the additional property with the name customAttributes where all custom field defaults are placed.

Displaying validation errors

By using the validationErrors property, it is possible to provide an array of validation errors to targeted elements in the form. All form elements natively supported by the Form Builder provide a way to show validation errors.

A single validation error object is represented with a path and a message like this:

  "path": "field-identifier",
  "message": "Custom error text to display below the field."

The path references the field identifier and the message is just plain text.

To display validation errors, simply pass one or more ValidationError objects within an array to the Form Builder using the validationErrors prop like this:

const CustomForm = () => {
  const demoValidationErrors = [{
    path: 'nickname',
    message: 'The nickname must be at least 3 characters long',

  return (
      handleUpdate={() => { /* Don't handle updates in this example */ }}


export default CustomForm;

Please be aware that a change in the form input will clear out the validation error automatically. This is useful in cases when the validation errors are checked after submission (usually done by APIs).
Mutating validation errors in the handleUpdate prop is not supported, because of the automatic handling. Trying to do that anyway will most likely result in unexpected behavior.

Validating input and applying a message on every change can be done by adding a validation layer between the Form Builder and the elements it renders. An example of how to achieve this is shown in the section about advanced customization.

Applying custom styles

Every form element comes with a fixed class name, which allows styling. The Form Builder takes a className property for that purpose and allows element styling with glamor.

The following example changes the validation error message of the text input for the first name to appear in blue instead of the default red color. It also changes the error text of the last name field to become bold and be shown in a bigger font size:

// File: CustomForm.jsx

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { css } from 'glamor';
import { FormBuilder } from '@shopgate/engage/components';

const config = {
  fields: {
    firstName: {
      type: 'text',
      sortOrder: 1,
      label: 'First name',
      placeholder: 'Enter your first name here',
    lastName: {
      type: 'text',
      sortOrder: 1,
      label: 'Last name',
      placeholder: 'Enter your last name here',

 * A component that displays a form using the Form Builder
 * @returns {JSX}
 * @constructor
const CustomForm = () => (
    handleUpdate={() => { /* Don't handle updates in this example */ }}

      // Add validation errors to both fields to visualize the styling changes
        path: 'firstName',
        message: 'Invalid first name',
      }, {
        path: 'lastName',
        message: 'Invalid last name',

      // Define custom selectors for the form inputs and style them
      ' .myFormFirstName .errorText': {
        color: 'blue',
      ' .myFormLastName .errorText': {
        fontWeight: 'bold',
        fontSize: '1rem',

export default CustomForm;

The easiest way to find the class names to create CSS selectors is to render the fields first and then inspect the DOM to get the desired class name to target the element that should be styled.

Generally the following rules apply:

  • Every element is wrapped in a container that gets a unique element class name. It is a combination of the form name (passed to the Form Builder) and the field ID. Those are then transformed to camelCase.
    In the upper example, the form name is MyForm and the field to be rendered is firstName, which results in the class name myFormFirstName which is then referred to via the CSS selector.
  • Text field wrappers expose the class name textField.
  • Hint blocks within elements include the class name hint.
  • Labels come with a class name called label.
  • Placeholders use the class name placeholder.
  • The underline shown below text elements includes the class name underline.
  • Error text fields in form elements get the class name errorText.
  • Radio group wrappers in the DOM include the class name radioGroup.
  • Radio item labels wrap the whole radio item and two additional class names apply. The first class name is the radio item key name and the second one is radioItem.
  • Input fields can be either text inputs with the class name simpleInput or multilineInput or they can be input types like radio input fields that expose the class name input.
  • Select fields come with the class name select.
  • Select option items are marked with the class name option.

Advanced customization

The Form Builder not only renders the included elements, it also allows adding custom element types or even replacing existing ones.

Defining a custom element

A form element is basically a React component that receives a few props like the field data and the current value. Whenever the value of the field changes it should report the new value to the Form Builder so it can apply form actions and pass the value up to the parent component.

A custom element can be defined like this:

// File: ElementHiddenValue.jsx

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

 * Renders a hidden field into the DOM and some info in "pre" tags below that.
 * @param {Object} element The field data from the config along with some additional attributes.
 * @param {string} value This is the indicator if the element should render or not
 * @returns {JSX}
const ElementHiddenValue = ({ element, ...restProps }) => (

    {/* Visualisation of the element props from the FormBuilder */}

ElementHiddenValue.propTypes = {
  element: PropTypes.shape().isRequired,
  value: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,

ElementHiddenValue.defaultProps = {};

export default ElementHiddenValue;

Every element receives the following props from the Form Builder:

  • element: This is an object containing the configuration for the specific field. These are all properties that are documented above, but not limited to that. Every additional property in the field config is passed to the custom element as shown in the next demo. Additionally, it gets an id and a handleChange property. It also gets a boolean property called custom to distinguish between predefined and custom field identifiers.
    Reserved attribute names:

    • id
    • handleChange
    • custom
    • value
  • errorText: This prop stores the text to display when a validation error is shown for the field.

  • name: The name prop is a concatenation of the form name and the field ID. It is useful as a class name or as prefix of a key, if the custom component renders multiple components in a loop.

  • value: The value to be shown in the element. This can be anything specific to the element. It is good practice to always use the value prop instead of maintaining an internal state, because the Form Builder needs to be able to change it. Whenever the value changes or is supposed to change the handleChange function is called like this: element.handleChange(newValue); (when the element prop is taken in the component as in the example above).

  • visible: By default, elements are visible and can be hidden while still present in the form. When the custom element is supposed to be toggleable, this prop is a good candidate because it is fully supported by the Form Builder.
    Please note that the element prop might also contain a visible attribute, but it always contains the initial value from the field config and is not updated to the current visibility state. In other words, always use the visible prop and never element.visible to get the visibility state of a field.

Integrating a custom element type

The following code example defines a new form element that shows a box with some info text, with the ability to collapse:

// File: ElementInfobox.jsx

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { css } from 'glamor';
import classNames from 'classnames';

const style = {
  infoboxContainer: css({
    padding: '.5rem',
    margin: '1rem .25rem',
    border: '2px solid #b3b300',
    backgroundColor: '#ffffe6',
    borderRadius: '.4rem',
  infoboxContent: css({
    paddingLeft: '.5rem',
    borderLeft: '.5rem solid #b3b300',
    borderRadius: '.4rem',
  header: css({
    padding: '.5rem 0',
    display: 'flex',
    justifyContent: 'space-between',
    alignItems: 'center',
  titleText: css({
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    fontSize: '1.3rem',
  titleButton: css({
    border: '1px dashed #b3b300',
    borderRadius: '.4rem',
    width: '100px',
    outline: 'none',
  separator: css({
    marginTop: 0,

 * Renders a custom form element with type "infobox". It does not allow input, but can be closed by
 * clicking on it. When the box closes, it informs the FormBuilder that its value has changed to false.
 * @param {Object} element The field data from the config along with some additional attributes.
 * @param {boolean} value Indicates if the element should render or not.
 * @param {boolean} visible Indicates if the element is shown.
 * @returns {JSX}
const ElementInfobox = ({
  element, name, value, visible,
}) => {
  // Don't render anything, when it's invisible.
  if (!visible) {
    return null;

  return (
      className={classNames(style.infoboxContainer, name)}
      <div className={classNames(style.infoboxContent, name)}>
          <div className={style.titleText}>{element.title}</div>
            onClick={() => element.handleChange(!value)}
            {value && <span>collapse</span>}
            {!value && <span>expand</span>}

        {value && <hr className={style.separator} />}
        {value &&
          .replace(['<br>', '<br />'], '<br/>')
          .map((textEntry, i) => <div key={`${i + 1}`}>{textEntry}</div>)

ElementInfobox.propTypes = {
  element: PropTypes.shape().isRequired,
  name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
  value: PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
  visible: PropTypes.bool,

ElementInfobox.defaultProps = {
  visible: true,

export default ElementInfobox;

Now it’s time to define a config and register it to the Form Builder to be rendered:

// File: CustomForm.jsx

import React from 'react';
import { FormBuilder } from '@shopgate/engage/components';
import ElementInfobox from './ElementInfobox';

const ELEMENT_TYPE_INFOBOX = 'infobox';
const config = {
  fields: {
    custom: {
      info: {
        label: '', // The custom element does not use the label
        title: 'Demo title',
        default: true, // Initialize the element with true to start up in expanded state
        text: // This is a completely custom attribute
          'This is a custom text with in the body of the infobox element.<br/>Click me to close!',

 * A component that displays a form using the Form Builder
 * @returns {JSX}
 * @constructor
const CustomForm = () => (
    handleUpdate={() => { /* Don't handle updates in this example */ }}
      [ELEMENT_TYPE_INFOBOX]: ElementInfobox,

export default CustomForm;

Replacing existing element types

Any existing element type can be either replaced with a completely custom element or can be wrapped with additional logic. Thus, additional logic can be achieved, like dynamic validation errors.

To replace an element, just put it into the elements prop of the FormBuilder component, as shown in the example above. The elements prop is simply a key/value pair with the key being the type string and value being a React node.

All available element type names are exposed via constants in the Engage library at this location: @shopgate/engage/components/Form/Builder/Builder.constants.

Existing form elements can also be imported to use within a custom element. Simply import the one to be wrapped and render it within a custom component:

  • @shopgate/engage/components/Form/Builder/ElementText
  • @shopgate/engage/components/Form/Builder/ElementCheckbox
  • @shopgate/engage/components/Form/Builder/ElementRadio
  • @shopgate/engage/components/Form/Builder/ElementSelect

The following example demonstrates how to replace all elements of type select with elements of type radio. This is possible because these two specific elements work in a similar fashion and expose the same interface for their usage:

// File: CustomForm.jsx

import React from 'react';
import { FormBuilder } from '@shopgate/engage/components';
import { ELEMENT_TYPE_SELECT } from '@shopgate/engage/components/Form/Builder/Builder.constants';
import ElementRadio from '@shopgate/engage/components/Form/Builder/ElementRadio';

const config = {
  fields: {
    custom: {
      favoriteColor: {
        type: 'select',
        sortOrder: 2,
        label: 'Favorite color',
        options: {
          '01-red': 'Red',
          '02-blue': 'Blue',

 * A component that displays a form using the Form Builder
 * @returns {JSX}
 * @constructor
const CustomForm = () => (
    handleUpdate={() => { /* Don't handle updates in this example */ }}
      [ELEMENT_TYPE_SELECT]: ElementRadio, // Every select box is now rendered as a radio group

export default CustomForm;

Achieving form validation using custom elements

In the last section, there was a hint that a custom element can be created or existing elements be reused by importing and rendering them. This allows extending elements without changing their basics and how they operate.

The following code example wraps the original text element to add advanced validation for the nickname field. Meanwhile, it keeps the look and feel of the original text field.
It just adds an error text when the nickname is shorter than 3 characters or longer than 20.

// File: ElementCustomText.jsx

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import ElementText from '@shopgate/engage/components/Form/Builder/ElementText';

 * Validates the data and returns an error string if invalid
 * @param {string} id The field identifier
 * @param {string} value The value to be validated
 * @returns {string}
const validate = (id, value) => {
  // Validate the nickname field only
  if (id !== 'nickname') {
    return '';

  if (value.length < 3) {
    return 'The nickname can not be shorter than 3 letters';

  if (value.length > 20) {
    return 'The nickname is too long';

  return '';

 * Passes though all props except errorText, which is hydrated with validation
 * @param {string} errorText Incoming error text
 * @param {Object} restProps All other props that are set by the Form Builder
 * @returns {JSX}
const ElementCustomText = ({ errorText, ...restProps }) => {
  const { element, value } = restProps;
  return <ElementText {...restProps} errorText={validate(, value)} />;

ElementCustomText.propTypes = {
  errorText: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

export default ElementCustomText;

Now this component can be used to replace the existing text element.

// File: CustomForm.jsx

import React from 'react';
import { FormBuilder } from '@shopgate/engage/components';
import { ELEMENT_TYPE_TEXT } from '@shopgate/engage/components/Form/Builder/Builder.constants';
import ElementCustomText from './ElementCustomText';

const config = {
  fields: {
    custom: {
      nickname: {
        type: 'text',
        label: 'Nickname',

 * A component that displays a form using the Form Builder
 * @returns {JSX}
 * @constructor
const CustomForm = () => (
    handleUpdate={() => { /* Don't handle updates in this example */ }}
      [ELEMENT_TYPE_TEXT]: ElementCustomText, // Replaces the text element with a custom one

export default CustomForm;

Integration with form actions

Form actions should be automatically supported with any custom element, as long as the provided element.handleChange function is called for value updates instead of locally storing and changing the value manually. That of course also means that form actions rely on the value and/or visibility prop actually being used by the custom element. If the custom element does not use either one, then form actions do not apply or have no effect on the custom element.