
This item allows you to export item information from your shop system to the Shopgate Items XML Format.

Query parameters


Requested method

default : get_items

Your shop number. Example: “11413”


Number of items (not item number, etc) to be skipped in the export.


Maximum number of items to be exported.


Unique request trace ID. Example: “sma-9412”


Product Ids that should not be included in the export file. Example: [“10000”,“1025028”]




Error Codes

Code Description
2 cannot open/create logfile(s)
10 invalid value in configuration
11 error reading or writing configuration
20 no action specified
21 unknown action requested
22 disabled action requested
23 wrong response format
80 file not found
81 cannot open file
82 buffer is empty
83 database error
100 no connection to server
101 Unknown action
102 error code received from merchant API
120 authentication failed
999 Unknown error

Plugin Examples

    class MyPlugin extends ShopgatePlugin

        protected function createItems($limit = null, $offset = null, array $uids = array ())

             * init product model
            $productItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Product();

            $productItem->setName('Example Product 1');
            $productItem->setTaxClass('19% MwSt DE');
            $productItem->setDescription('Example Description');
            $productItem->setInternalOrderInfo('Example Order Info');


             * add item
Plugin Example Price
             * init price model
            $priceItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Price();

             * init tier price (optional)
            $tierPriceItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_TierPrice();

             * add to price model

             * init tier price (optional)
            $tierPriceItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_TierPrice();

             * add to price model

             * add to product model
Plugin Example Images
             * init image model
            $imageItem = new Shopgate_Model_Media_Image();
            $imageItem->setAlt('Example Alt 1');
            $imageItem->setTitle('Example Title 1');

             * add to product model

             * init image model
            $imageItem = new Shopgate_Model_Media_Image();
            $imageItem->setAlt('Example Alt 2');
            $imageItem->setTitle('Example Title 1');

             * add to product model
Plugin Example Categories
             * init category path model
            $categoryPathItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_CategoryPath();

             * add to product item

             * init category path model
            $categoryPathItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_CategoryPath();

             * add to product item
Plugin Example Shipping
             * init shipping model
            $shippingItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Shipping();

             * add to product model
Plugin Example Manufacturer
             * init manufacturer model
            $manufacturerItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Manufacturer();

             * add to product
Plugin Example Visibility
             * init visibility model
            $visibilityItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Visibility();

             * add to product model
Plugin Example Properties
             * init property model
            $propertyItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Property();
            $propertyItem->setLabel('Example Property 1');
            $propertyItem->setValue('example value 1');

             * add to product model

             * init property model
            $propertyItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Property();
            $propertyItem->setLabel('Example Property 2');
            $propertyItem->setValue('example value 2');

             * add to product model
Plugin Example Stock
             * init stock model
            $stockItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Stock();
            $stockItem->setAvailabilityText('in stock');

             * add to product
Plugin Example Identifiers
             * init identifier model
            $identifierItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Identifier();

             * add to product

             * init identifier model
            $identifierItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Identifier();

             * add to product
Plugin Example Tags
             * init tag model
            $tagItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Tag();
            $tagItem->setValue('Example Tag 1');

             * add to product model

             * init tag model
            $tagItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Tag();
            $tagItem->setValue('Example Tag 2');

             * add to product model
Plugin Example Relations
             * init relation model
            $relationItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Relation();

             * add to product

             * init relation model
            $relationItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Relation();
            $relationItem->setLabel('Custom Relation');

             * add to product
Plugin Example Attributes Group
             * init attribute group model
            $attributeGroupItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_AttributeGroup();

             * add to product model

             * init attribute group model
            $attributeGroupItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_AttributeGroup();

             * add to product model
Plugin Example Inputs
             * init inputs model
            $inputItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Input();
            $inputItem->setLabel('PDF upload');
            $inputItem->setInfoText('Please select a pdf file');

             * validation
             * init validation model
            $validationItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Validation();

             * add to input item

             * add to product

             * init inputs model
            $inputItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Input();
            $inputItem->setLabel('Select some Item');
            $inputItem->setInfoText('Please select');

             * options
             * init option model
            $optionModel = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Option();
            $optionModel->setLabel('Item 1');

             * add to input model

             * init option model
            $optionModel = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Option();
            $optionModel->setLabel('Item 2');

             * add to input model

             * validation
             * init validation model
            $validationItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Validation();

             * add to input item

             * add to product

             * init inputs model
            $inputItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Input();
            $inputItem->setLabel('Insert som text');
            $inputItem->setInfoText('only numbers allowed');

             * init validation model
            $validationItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Validation();

             * add to input item

             * add to product
Plugin Example Children
             * init children model (product model)
            $childItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Product();

             * attributes
             * init attribute model
            $attributeItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Attribute();

             * add to child item

             * init attribute model
            $attributeItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Attribute();

             * price
             * init price model
            $priceItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Price();


             * add to child product

             * add to child item

             * you can extend / rewrite every property from the parent product
             * uid example

             * example name
            $childItem->setName('Example Product 1 (Child)');

             * example identifier
             * init identifier model
            $identifierItem = new Shopgate_Model_Catalog_Identifier();

             * uid from the parent identifier id

             * add to the child product