Extension Config

The extension config contains information about its extension. It is located on the root level of an extension as extension-config.json. It consists of the following main properties:

Name Type Required Description
id string yes Indicates the extension id, such as: “@shopgate/products”
version string yes Indicates semver version of the extension, such as “1.0.0”
trusted boolean no Indicates whether the extension is trusted
configuration object no Configures frontend / backend parts
components array no Lists available frontend components for this extension
steps array no Lists available steps that hook into pipeline hook steps

Minimal example:

  "id": "@shopgate/products",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "trusted": false

Configuration Property

The configuration property is an object with the following structure:

  <configKey>: <configDescription>

Configuration description

The configuration description is an object that determines the targets of the config and where the information comes from. The description consists of the following properties:

Property Name Type Required Description
type string yes Describes where the resulting value comes from; available types are admin, static
destination array of strings yes Includes frontend (./themes/<theme>/config/app.json or ./extensions/<extensionId>/frontend/config.json), backend(./extensions/<extensionId>/extension/config.json), or both
params object yes Describes how the value is fetched; depends on the selected type
default any no Defines the value of the resolved key if the described way in params fails

Static Type

With the static type, you can define the value of your configuration directly in the extension-config.json. Getting the value can not fail so you don’t need the default property in that case.

The param property object of the static type needs only the value key.

If the value property of param is a string or an object containing strings, these strings can include certain placeholders which also get resolved. The following placeholders are available:

Name Type Description
appId string Indicates your current app id, such as “app_123456”
publicPath string Indicates the base path where your application is served
themes array of strings Shows the available themes, including their versions
themeMapping object Contains keys such as “app_android_phone” with a mapped theme id
targetStage string Identifies either production or sandbox
extensionId string Provides the id of the current extension

The pattern of a replacement is %(<placeholder>)s such as %(appId)s.


"metaData": {
  "type": "static",
  "destination": "backend",
  "params": {
    "value": {"publicPath": "%(publicPath)s", "fields": ["firstName", "lastName", "street1", "street2", "zipCode", "city", "country"]}

The above example code resolves to the following :

"addressFields": {"publicPath": "https://connect.shopgate.com/shop_12345/@shopgate/theme-gmd/5.6.0/index.html", "fields":["firstName", "lastName", "street1", "street2", "zipCode", "city", "country"]}

Admin Type

The admin type enables you to insert configuration values set within the Shopgate CONNECT Merchant Admin. It creates an input within the Shopgate Merchant Admin to set its value.

The value input can be displayed in several different forms, such as text fields, checkboxes, and more. . To configure the admin type you have to set a subtype along with its specific options:


Each subtype has to be described in the params property of the admin type. The admin type consists of the following properties:

Name Type Required Description
type string yes Indicates whether it is a json, text, textarea, color, checkbox, number or select subtype
label string yes Displays the text for the configuration within the Shopgate Connect Merchant Admin
description string no Displays the description text for the configuration within the Shopgate Connect Merchant Admin
default any no Indicates the default value for the config (if not required)
required boolean no Indicates, as a boolean, whether the config MUST be configured
options object no Provides custom configuration options based on the type property


"configWithCustomName": {
  "type": "admin",
  "destination": "backend",
  "default": {
    "foo": "bar"
  "params": {
    "type": "json",
    "label": "Config C (json)",
    "required": true,

Available Subtypes

  • json: Creates a text area for json content.

    Possible values: Any json compatible object which will be configurable in json code editor.

    Returns: object

  • text: Creates a single line text area.

    Possible values: Any string / text content that can be inserted in a single line.


    • placeholder: optional placeholder text
    "options": {
      "placeholder": "place the url here"

    Returns: string

  • textarea: Creates a multiline text area.

    Possible values: Any string / text content that can be inserted in a single line.


    • placeholder: optional placeholder text
    • rows: optional row count to display
    "options": {
      "placeholder": "place your text here",
      "rows": 6

    Returns: string

  • color: Creates a color picker.

    Returns: CSS compatible value

  • checkbox: Creates a checkbox.


    • label: Provides label for the checkbox input.
    "options": {
      "label": "enable logs"

    Returns: boolean

  • number: Creates an input of the type number.


    • min: optional minimal value of the number
    • max: optional maximum value of the number
    "options": {
      "min": "0",
      "max": "15"

    Returns: number

  • select: Creates a selected input.


    • multiple: boolean indicating if multiple selections are possible
    • options: array of objects<label, value>
    "options": {
      "multiple": false,
      "options": [
        {"label": "one", "value": 1}
        {"label": "two", "value": 2}

    Returns: any value, if not multiple, array of values if multiple selection is enabled

Note: The Shopgate CONNECT Merchant Admin currently does not support the display of inputs, but future releases plan to support that feature. Use the Admin type subtypes to comply with that future change.

Components Property

The component property is a list of all frontend components provided by this extension. These components are portals, subscribers, reducers, widgets, and translations.

Within the extension config file, a component definition has the following properties:

Name Type Description
id string Indicates the id of the component (needs to be unique within the component)
path string Shows the path to the component (relative from the extension root folder)
type string Indicates the type of the component (portals, subscribers, reducers, widgets, or translations)
target string or array of string Indicates the target for only type “portals”. Refer to the portals reference for information about using portals type.


"components": [
    "id": "UserRoutes",
    "path": "frontend/pages/routes.jsx",
    "target": "app.routes",
    "type": "portals"
    "id": "en-US",
    "path": "frontend/locale/en-US.json",
    "type": "translations"
    "id": "de-DE",
    "path": "frontend/locale/de-DE.json",
    "type": "translations"
    "id": "UserSubscribers",
    "path": "frontend/subscriptions/index.js",
    "type": "subscribers"
    "id": "UserReducers",
    "path": "frontend/reducers/index.js",
    "type": "reducers"

Steps property

Step definitions consist of the following properties:

Name Type Required Description
path string yes Provides path to the extension step, including the “extension” folder
description string no Describes briefly what the step does and what a system integrator needs to know to properly place it in the pipeline(s)
hooks array of strings yes the targets property describes where the step should be inserted (list of hook strings)
input array of objects no Indicates input of the step; if the step is made for a hook, the names need to match the input’s name of the hooks
output array of objects no Indicates output of the step; within the step code, align property names of your returned object to match those defined here

Hook String

A hook string consists of the pipeline name and a hook name, separated by a colon. The hooks are defined in the target key on every step. If the step should not be included in a hook, the array can be empty or the target can be removed.

The hook string schema is as follows:


To have a step included in all hooks of a certain name, regardless of the pipeline, use the asterisk wildcard as pipeline name as shown in following the example:


Note: Steps are always and only included in hooks of pipelines of the same trust level (trusted/untrusted).

Dynamic Input And Output

You might need to work with additional input values or add additional keys to the output.


To add additional input values, define those as objects in the inputs array. Input objects have the following properties:

Name Type Required Description
key string yes Indicates key of the input
addPipelineInput boolean no Defines whether the input should be added to the pipeline’s input array
optional boolean no Defines whether the input is required (false) or optional (true) in case it is added to the pipeline input (addPipelineInput is true)
internal boolean no Defines whether the input is internal for the extension; only inserted steps of the extension have access to this input


"input": [{
  "key": "someInternalInput",
  "internal": true
}, {
  "key": "somePipelineInput",
  "optional": true
}, {
  "key": "someAdditionalInput",
  "addPipelineInput": true,
  "optional": true


To add additional output values, define those as objects in the outputs array. Output objects have the following properties:

Name Type Required Description
key string yes key of the output
addPipelineOutput boolean no Defines whether the output should be added to the pipeline’s output array
optional boolean no Defines whether the output is required (false) or optional (true) in when the flag addPipelineOutput is true
internal boolean no Defines whether the output is internal for the extension; only inserted steps of the extension have access to this input
  "key": "someOutput",
  "optional": true,
  "addPipelineOutput": true