Extension Step

An extension step is the default step provided by an extension. Extension steps use a function to generate the output depending on the input.

Custom Properties of the Extension Step

Property Name Type Description
id string Specifies the id of the extension the step belongs to
path string Specifies the path to the step file. Note: the path property is not the exact path to the step file. For example, when the step file is located at: project/extensions/extensionA/extension/someDir/step.js the correct path would be: extensionA/someDir/step.js

Pipeline Example

The following example shows a general reference of an extension step and an implemented example.

  "type": "extension",
  "id": "<extensionId>",
  "path": "<extensionId>/<path to step relative to the "extension" folder)>",
  "input": [...],
  "output": [...]


  "type": "extension",
  "id": "@shopgate/catalog",
  "path": "@shopgate/catalog/getProduct.js",
  "input": [{"key": "productId", "id": "1"}],
  "output": [{"key": "product", "id": "10"}]