Search Actions


Retrieves products for a search query.


import { fetchSearchResults } from '@shopgate/engage/search';

const params = {
  offset: 0,
  searchPhrase: 'shoes',
  limit: 3,
  sort: 'priceAsc',

Attention: The path to the old modules is deprecated and will be removed in ENGAGE v7: import { fetchSearchResults } from '@shopgate/pwa-common-commerce/search'


  • params (Object) required: The parameters for the products to request.
    • searchPhrase (string) required: The search phrase.
    • limit (number): The amount of items to get with a single request. Default is 30.
    • offset (number): The offset for the request. Default is 0.
    • sort (string): The sort scheme. Default is by relevance.
      • Possible Values: relevance, priceAsc, priceDesc, random. All of these values are prepared as constants. Those can be imported like this:
import { SORT_RELEVANCE, SORT_PRICE_ASC, SORT_PRICE_DESC, SORT_RANDOM } from '@shopgate/engage/core';

Attention: The path to the old modules is deprecated and will be removed in ENGAGE v7: import { SORT_RELEVANCE, SORT_PRICE_ASC, SORT_PRICE_DESC, SORT_RANDOM } from '@shopgate/pwa-common/constants/DisplayOptions'


Retrieves suggestions for the currently ongoing search.


import { fetchSearchSuggestions } from '@shopgate/engage/search';

const searchPhrase = 'red';


Attention: The path to the old modules is deprecated and will be removed in ENGAGE v7: import { fetchSearchSuggestions } from '@shopgate/pwa-common-commerce/search'


  • searchPhrase (string) required: The search phrase.