Item write review (review composer)

The Item Write Review page allows the user to write new reviews for a product. This page SHOULD NOT be linked from the outside, except if you are adding a link to the reviews composer on a default Item page.

How to customize

The Item Write Review page does not offer any page specific portals.

How to link

You can link directly to a selected item review composer productId param. Please note that productId MUST be converted into a hex string in order to ensure URL-safe string usage.

import React from 'react';
import { Link } from '@shopgate/engage/components';
import { ITEM_PATH } from '@shopgate/engage/product';
import { bin2hex } from '@shopgate/engage/core';

 * @param {string} productId Plain text product id.
const Component = ({ productId, slideNum }) => (
    <Link href={`${ITEM_PATH}/${bin2hex(productId}/write_review`}>Open product review composer</Link>

export default Component;