Tracking Events and Data

This page lists all possible tracking events for which a tracking extension can register. Each event has a short description and an example of the data format required. To learn more, refer to the Shopgate tutorial on integrating a tracking provider.

Table of Contents

  1. General
  2. openDeepLink
  3. openPushNotification
  4. setCampaignWithUrl
  5. pageview
  6. viewContent
  7. search
  8. variantSelected
  9. addToCart
  10. loginSuccess
  11. loginFailed
  12. initiatedCheckout
  13. purchase


Every event is called with four parameters (data, rawData, scope, state).

this.register.eventName((data, rawData, scope, state) => {

Parameter Type Description
data Object Preformatted event data.
rawData Object The raw, not preformatted event data.
scope Object Information about the event is supposed to be used by Shopgate internally only.
state Object The complete redux state of the application at the time the event is triggered. Can be used to get additional data not included in data/rawData.


The openDeepLink event is triggered when the app opens from a deeplink.

Key Description
eventAction URL of the deeplink.
eventLabel Indicates if the link comes from the spotlight search in iOS.


  eventAction: "testapp://category/123",
  eventLabel: "os_search"


  eventCategory: "",
  eventAction: "testapp://category/123",
  eventLabel: "os_search",
  eventValue: null,
  nonInteraction: false


The openPushNotification event is triggered when the app opens from a push notification.

Key Description
eventLabel The notification ID.


  eventAction: "opened",
  eventLabel: "123"


  eventCategory: "",
  eventAction: "opened",
  eventLabel: "123",
  eventValue: null,
  nonInteraction: false


The setCampaignWithUrl event is triggered when the app opens from a deeplink or a push notification.

Key Description
url URL of the deeplink or push notification.
type “push_message” or “deeplink”
[notificationId] The push notification ID. Only set for push.

rawData & data

  url: 'testapp://category/123',
  type: 'deeplink',


The pageview event is triggered when any page is shown to the user.


Key Description
link The page URL.{shopNumber}/{name}/{params}
name Internal page name.
  link: "",
  name: "productDetails"


Key Description
merchantUrl Exact page identifier.
shopgateUrl Identifier for Shopgate.
  merchantUrl: "item/123",
  shopgateUrl: "item"

Pages Overview

shopgateUrl merchantUrl name link
index index startpage{shopNumber}/
cart cart cart{shopNumber}/cart
category category/{categoryId} productList{shopNumber}/category/{categoryId}
item item/{productId} productDetails{shopNumber}/item/{productId}
search search?s={searchPhrase} search{shopNumber}/search?s={searchPhrase}
login login login{shopNumber}/login
page page/{pageId} page{shopNumber}/page/{pageId}


The viewContent event is triggered when a product page is shown.


Key Description
uid Product ID
name Product name
manufacturer Product manufacturer
amount Object with price information
amount.currency Currency code (ISO 4217)
amount.gross Gross price Net price
amount.striked Strike price
tags Array with product tags
  amount: {
    currency: "EUR",
    gross: "140.00",
    net: "140.00",
    striked: "0.00"
  manufacturer: "mcRonalds",
  name: "Product 4",
  tags: [],
  uid: "1003"


Key Description
id Product ID
type Always “product”
name Always “productDetails”
  id: "1003",
  type: "product",
  name: "productDetails"


The search event is triggered when a search is performed.


Key Description
query The search query.
resultCount Number of hits for the query.
  query: "test"
  resultCount: 160


Key Description
query Product ID
hits Always “product”
success Indicates if search results were found.
type Always “product”
  hits: 160,
  query: "test",
  success: true,
  type: "product"


The variantSelected event is triggered when a product variant gets selected. For example, “T-shirt size: L”.

Key Description
variant Object with information about the selected product variant.
baseProduct Object with information about the base product.

rawData & data

    uid: "1013",
    name: "T-shirt",
    manufacturer: "",
    tags: [],
      net: "32.00",
      gross: "32.00",
      striked: "0.00",
      currency: "EUR"
    uid: "1013-1016",
    name: "T-shirt size L",
    manufacturer: "",
    tags: [],
      net: "32.00",
      gross: "32.00",
      striked: "0.00",
      currency: "EUR"


The addToCart event is triggered when a product is added to the cart.


Key Description
products Array with products added to the cart
products[].uid Prduct ID
products[].name Prduct name
products[].manufacturer Product manufacturer
products[].quantity Quantity
products[].amount Object with price information
products[].amount.currency Currency code (ISO 4217)
products[].amount.gross Gross price
products[] Net price
products[].amount.striked Striked price
    name: "T-shirt",
    manufacturer: "",
    tags: [],
    uid: "1013-1016",
      net: "32.00",
      gross: "32.00",
      striked: "0.00",
      currency: "EUR"
    quantity: 1


    id: "1013-1016",
    type: "product",
    name: "T-shirt",
    priceNet: 32,
    priceGross: 32,
    quantity: 1,
    currency: "EUR"


The loginSuccess event is triggered when a user has successfully logged in.

Key Description
id User ID
mail User email address
firstName First name
lastName Last name
gender Gender (male or female)
birthday Date of birth
phone Phone number
customerGroups Array with customer groups
addresses Array with addresses of the user

rawData & data

  id: "87ddbbdb-5b09-4dc4-b1b0-214f4b0fdaa1",
  mail: "",
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Doe",
  gender: "male",
  birthday: "2017-01-01",
  phone: "+1-800-490-2467",
  customerGroups: [{
    id: 3,
    name: "Retailer"
  addresses: [{
    id: 1,
    type: "invoice",
    firstName: "Jane",
    lastName: "Doe",
    company: "Shopgate Inc",
    street1: "804 Congress Ave.",
    street2: "string",
    city: "Austin",
    state: "TX",
    phone: "+1-800-490-2467",
    isDefault: true,
    alias: "Homeaddress",
    zipcode: "12345",
    country: "United States"


The loginFailed event is triggered when the login of a user failed. It does not receive any data.


The initiatedCheckout event is triggered when the user enters the checkout.


Key Description
cart Object with information about the cart
cart.amount Object with price information
cart.amount.currency Currency code (ISO 4217)
cart.amount.gross Gross price of the complete cart
cart.productsCount Number of items in the cart
cart.products[].uid Prduct ID
cart.products[].name Product name
cart.products[].quantity Quantity
cart.products[].amount Object with price information
cart.products[].amount.gross Gross price
  cart: {
  amount: {
    gross: "146.47",
    currency: "USD"
  products: [{
    uid: "9209597131",
    name: "Seattle Mariners",
    amount: {
      gross: "34.99"
    quantity: 2
  productsCount: 3


Key Description
currency Currency code (ISO 4217)
valueGross Gross price of the complete cart
valueNet Not available
type Information about express checkout
paymentInfoAvailable Indicates if the payment method is known. For example, PayPal Express.
  currency: "USD",
  numItems: 3,
  paymentInfoAvailable: false,
  type: "default",
  valueGross: 146.47,
  valueNet: undefined


The purchase is triggered when an order was successfully placed and the user is redirected to the order confirmation page.


Key Description
number Unique order identifier
currency Currency of the order
totals Array of order totals
totals[].type Total type (shipping, tax or grandTotal)
totals[].amount Total amount with tax
products Array of order items
products[].id Product ID of the product or coupon code
products[].name Product name
products[].price.withTax Product gross price
products[] Item net price
products[].quantity Item quantity
  order: {
    number: "1802332301",
    currency: "USD",
    totals [
        type: "shipping",
        amount: 0
        type: "tax",
        amount: 12.44 // includes shipping tax, coupon tax and product tax
        type: "grandTotal",
        amount: 34.99
    products: [
        id: "9209597131",
        name: "Seattle Mariners",
        quantity: 1,
        price: {
          withTax: 34.99,
          net: 34.99


Key Description
id Unique order identifier
currency Currency of the order
items Array of order items
items[].type Item type. It can be product or coupon.
items[].id Product ID of the product or coupon code
items[].name Product name
items[].priceGross Product gross price
items[].priceNet Item net price
items[].quantity Item quantity
revenueGross Total gross revenue of the order
revenueNet Total net revenue of the order
shippingGross Gross amount of shipping
shippingNet Net amount of shipping
tax Amount of tax
  id: "1802332301",
  affiliation: "",
  currency : "USD",
  items: [{
    currency: "USD",
    id: "9209597131",
    name: "Seattle Mariners",
    priceGross: 34.99,
    priceNet: 34.99,
    quantity: 1,
    type: "product"
  revenueGross: 34.99,
  revenueNet: 34.99,
  shippingGross: 0,
  shippingNet: 0,
  tax: 0,
  type: "product"