Cart Manipulation

Integration between Shop System and Shopgate App

The integration is based on two different parts:

  • Web Checkout API

  • Seamless Integration of the Shop System Checkout

Web Checkout API

The Web Checkout API is an API on the shop system side which provides necessary functionalities to use the Shopgate Connect Web Checkout.

These functionalities are divided into four parts:

  • Authentication

  • Cart management

  • User management

  • Checkout


Authentication secures the communication between Shopgate Connect and the shop system. Shopgate Connect supports two different authentication methods:

  1. Basic Authentication (Username and Password)

  2. OAuth2 (Client Credentials)

The Web Checkout API therefore needs the following action in case of the OAuth2 method:

  • Authenticate provides an OAuth2 access token for Shopgate Connect to authenticate against the Web Checkout API.


This process does not apply to communication between the app and the shop system.

Cart Management

As the name implies, cart management is responsible for creating, getting, updating, and deleting the cart or single cart items. The following list describes these actions briefly:

  • Create cart creates a new cart and returns its cart ID for later cart management.

  • Get cart returns the cart for a given cart ID.

  • Adding product(s) to the cart adds at least one product to the given cart.

  • Adding coupon(s) to the cart adds at least one coupon to the given cart.

  • Update quantity of product(s) within the cart updates the quantity of at least one product within the cart.

  • Remove cart items from the cart removes at least one cart item (coupon or product).


It is expected that the Web Checkout API creates separate carts for authenticated and unauthenticated users. It is perfectly fine for a user to create and manipulate a cart anonymously and then to log in. We’ll cover this in the next section.

User Management

The user management handles all actions associated with a logged-in user and also enables the user log in.

  • Login user logs in the user, via user name and password, or whatever the shop system uses.

  • Get user returns information about the given user.

  • Get current cart of user gets the given user’s cart ID.

  • Merge cart with user cart merges a cart by given cart ID with the current cart of the given user.


  • Get checkout url provides a URL to the shop systems checkout page for a given cart and, if logged in, a given user. It also provides a way to authenticate the user against the shop systems checkout page via token or cookie. This action is necessary to provide the seamless transition between app and shop system.

Seamless Integration of the Shop System Checkout

The cart and the user login was handled in the last steps via a stateless API. At this point you need to switch from the stateless API side to a cookie-based, stateful frontend side.

When the user clicks the Checkout button within the app, the checkout of the shop system opens in another window.

Since all Web Checkout API calls are executed by Shopgate Connect, the app does not have any session from the shop system.

To create a session with the user and the cart of the current shopper, a token mechanism comes in place.

“User enters the checkout” flow

Checkout flow

Every time the user hits the Checkout button, a new checkout URL is requested from the shop system. This URL points to the checkout of the shop system with a special token. When the shopper gets redirected to this URL the shop system consumes the token and creates a new session with the matching user ID and cart.


The session is not cleared automatically after the user leaves the checkout. Ensure that you always overwrite the session on every checkout call.

Removal of links

When the user enters the checkout, the default checkout page of the shop system loads. It includes header, footer, and content links, which lead the shopper to the mobile website. To provide the best user experience, the user should stay in the app the entire time.

All links to internal and external pages need to be removed in the app checkout page.

The shop system can detect if the shopper is an app or mobile website user based on the session.

This also accounts for the registration / registration page which will be explained in a few sections.


By default the Shopgate app has three trackers integrated:

  • Facebook Analytics

  • Google Analytics for mobile apps

  • Appsflyer

All of these trackers are combined together via an event system in the app and provide a JavaScript function to trigger the purchase event on the checkout success page.

Closing checkout page

When the buyer successfully checks out and reaches the checkout success page, he should be able to return to the app.

By default the app shows a Close button in the right corner.

The app also offers a JavaScript method. This method enables buttons like Continue shopping on the success page to close the checkout programmatically.


For user registration, use the shop system registration page to enable all the custom validation out of the box.

You need to provide a registration URL to the Shopgate Connect system. When a shopper clicks on the registration menu entry, he is redirected to this URL.

After the registration completes, the app needs to be informed that the registration succeeded. Furthermore, the Shopgate Connect system can log in the user automatically after registration.

For this feature you have to send the login and the password from the registered user via JS to the app.

In the background, the app does a regular login and updates all views in the app.

To do this, you need to implement an empty page with just a loading spinner after the registration (only if it was successful). This page passes the login credentials, via JS, to our app.