

sgconnect theme upload [theme-directory]

This command uploads a theme to the Shopgate Developer Center.

theme-directory specifies the directory name of the theme to upload. If theme-directory is not specified, a list of all themes from the themes directory will be shown, and the user can select one of them.

The selected theme directory is packed into a TAR archive and uploaded to the Shopgate Developer Center.

If the version of the uploaded theme does not exist in the Shopgate Developer Center, a prompt is shown, asking if the version should be created automatically. If --force or -f option is specified, the version is created without prompting.

If the version is already uploaded and pushed into the status “Waiting for review,” a prompt will be shown to confirm the review request should be canceled. To force the canceling, set the option if --force or -f.


Name Description
Force “yes” as answer to all prompts
--preprocess-timeout <ms>
Specify preprocessing timeout in milliseconds (default: 60000)


sgconnect theme upload
sgconnect theme upload myAwesomeTheme
sgconnect theme upload myAwesomeTheme --force